
Towards the Participation of the BRB in the share capital of the stock exchange

The Head of State, HE Evariste Ndayishimiye, presided over the council of Ministers this 16 March 2022 in his Palace in Gitega, the political capital of the country. Ten points were on the agenda and, among them, the project of authorizing the National Bank to participate in the share capital of stock exchange and the strategic collaboration between the ministry of infrastructure via the Burundi Road Agency and the local cooperatives.

The two projects were presented by the Presidency of the Republic services and the Minister of Infrastructure, equipment and social housing respectively. The Minister of Justice mentioned the project regarding status of members of staff in the parliament while his counterpart in charge of Energy presented the project of a mine-related policy in Burundi.

After, the minister in charge of finances, budget and economic planification intervened with three points. The first concerned the creation, missions and functions of the national committee of information for statistics, the second was in relation to the decree of creation, composition and functions of the Burundi national institute of statistics while the last one revisited the recommendations of the Council of ministers held in January 2022 with regard to former EPB and GPSB.

As for the minister in charge of Agriculture, he made two presentations, one on the development of the shoreline of Lake Tanganyika, another on the law that governs the Office of development for Coffee.

The last communication of the meeting about the numerical development of Burundi was presented by the minister in charge of communication, information technology and media.  In the AOB session, only one point was discussed. This was the evolution of the project of the construction of a railway, which was explained by the minister in charge of finances and Budget.

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