
Gitega : Start of the military competitions

This monday, May 16, 2021, the Chief of Staff of Burundi, General Prime Niyongabo, has attended the opening ceremonies of the competitions that mark the end of the training period, which oppose the different categories of military from all military camps in Burundi. The ceremonies took place at the commando center of Gitega.

The person in charge of training and defense operations, Brigadier General Barandereka Télésphore, said that these competitions involve various military exercises and will last five days. He called on the military to show a military spirit and to do these competitions in the spirit of love and brotherhood.

As for the Chief of Staff, he took this opportunityto explain the purpose of this kind of events: “It is an opportunity for the military to strengthen the spirit of courage and bravery, love the work and cultivate perseverance in difficult times, develop patriotism and contribute to the development of the country ».

In the 6 km race competition of the women side, Ngabirano of ESO School was first with 25 minutes, 25 seconds and 24 thirds. On the men’s side, Hafashimana was first with 25 minutes, 41 seconds and 20 thirds.

These ceremonies began with a military parade.

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