
8 criminals arrested by the Burundi National Police

On 24 May 2022, the Burundi National Police, through its spokesperson, Pierre Nkurikiye, presented to the public and the media a group of 8 criminals arrested by the security forces on 17, 18 and 20 May 2022 in the city of Bujumbura.

According to the police spokesperson, this group had been kidnapping, looting and taking over police ranks and functions to carry out their evil intentions for months. The group consists of one military officer, three police officers and four civilians who collaborated with these police officers in their evil practices.

The names cited in this case include Sergeant Habimana Silas nicknamed Mwarabu, Ndereyimana Ferdinand nicknamed Gatayeri, Adjutant Major of Police Manirakiza Appolinaire nicknamed Kayenzi, Nsengiyumva Thaddée nicknamed Commissioner Ntare, First Class of Police Nsengiyumva Antoine, Nshimirumukiza Claude, Second Class of Police Niyongabire Arsène and Kwizerimana Constantin.

Cases of theft committed by these criminals in different localities were mentioned; and the police spokesman said that the main organisers of the group were among those detained. However, he said that some elements of the group have not yet been arrested, which is why investigations are continuing.

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