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The media and public institutions, an indispensable synergy

The Ministry of Communication, Information Technology and Media organized a two-day workshop on “Reflection on the improvement of synergy between the media and public institutions” on Thursday 23 June 2022. The Minister in charge of media and communication said that the meeting aimed at strengthening collaboration between the media and the communication services of public institutions for the promotion of a journalism favorable to development.

This is the same logic expressed by the French Ambassador to Burundi who emphasized that the project to support the professionalization of the media (PAPROM) is inspired by the priorities of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, particularly in its axis 2 which advocates for the development of infrastructure in the sector of information technology and communication, post and media: “We are in line with the Government of Burundi which has placed the media at the Centre of its development and openness policy”.

In his speech, the diplomat did not fail to reiterate France’s commitment to supporting the media in Burundi in order to achieve the development objectives set by the Burundian authorities in conjunction with development partners.

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