
A new academic year launched despite the challenges

This 28 April 2022, at the Kiriri campus of the University of Burundi, took place the opening ceremonies of the academic year 2021-2022 for all the universities of Burundi, with 15 universities represented in these ceremonies. The Minister of Education and Scientific Research, Francois Havyarimana, was pleased that about fifteen universities were present at the meeting, and said he was optimistic about the possibility of a uniform organization of programs in the universities, which can even facilitate the mobility of students in the modalities set by law. He also asked the private universities to abolish the fees related to the submission of internship reports.

Minister Havyarimana also expressed to the different universities his wish to deliver secure diplomas from the academic year 2022-2023, a program already in progress at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS). In closing, the Minister invited the various stakeholders to an extraordinary meeting scheduled for next May for all matters relating to education. Among the other speakers, some expressed their concerns and suggestions . For example, the student representative  of the University of Burundi mentioned the challenge  of finding places for internships, the problem of delayed scholarship payments in addition to being not enough to cover all the needs of the beneficiaries.

During this ceremony, some of the universities took the opportunity to give graduation degrees  to their students.

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