
Economic diplomacy, engine of development in Burundi

This Thursday, June 09, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation organized an open day, edition 2022 under the theme: “Economic diplomacy for sustainable development in Burundi. 

In his speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation addressed the occasion. He first recalled the mission of the Ministry : “Defend the interests of Burundi and its image in the concert of nations”. His speech focused on three main points :

Political-diplomatic gains recorded in Burundi : In December 2020, there was the lifting of Burundi on the agenda of the UN Security Council, then lifting of Burundi from the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. There was also the lifting of sanctions imposed on Burundi by the United States and the European Union. In addition, the International Organization of the Francophonie has also removed the sanctions it had imposed on Burundi. All these achievements have born fruits. Burundi was elected to the presidency of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. Recently, Burundi was brilliantly elected to the vice presidency of the 77th United Nations Summit. There is also the appointment of Mr. Domitien Ndayizeye as chairman of the Council of Elders of the African Union and Mr. Sylvestre Ntibantunganya to the same position at the level of the East African Community. In good neighborliness, Burundi has initiated contacts and processes to normalize bilateral relations with Rwanda. The highlight will be the handing over by Rwanda of the 2015 putchistes, the only outstanding point for the normalization of relations between the two countries. In strategic planning, several activities were carried out to support Burundian diaspora initiatives ; a strategy for the implementation of the national diaspora policy was adopted. Labor mobility agreements have been signed with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.

Other Key actions taken by the Ministry : Elaboration of the foreign policy document, implementation of a law on the diplomatic service, implementation of the government’s policy of owning its own buildings abroad for its embassies in order not to be tenants but rather owners.

Challenges and opportunities: There was the impact of the covid-19 pandemic which disrupted fuel supply services. There was also the issue of availability of sufficient buildings to house all the ministry’s staff. Here Minister Shingiro informed that infrastructure for this purpose is being built in the political capital of the country, Gitega.

As for the future, Minister  Shingiro promised that Burundi will spare no effort to strengthen and cement its friendly relations with all its partners. Burundi is also preparing to conduct a diplomatic offensive to seek and multiply development partners. It is also necessary to underline the promotion of development infrastructures at the regional level, such as the railroad project in progress, which will link Tanzania, Burundi and the DRC. 

To conclude, Burundi is actively investing to do everything possible to make the influence of Burundi a reality on the international scene.

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