
Five Ministries have achieved 95% or more in the last six months

This friday, 12 August 2022, in the hemicycle of Kigobe, the Senate and National Assembly gathered to evaluate the performance of different ministries for the last six months. The Prime Minister, Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, presented the results of actions from ministries.

As explained by the Prime Minister, 9 ministries scored 90% and more while 6 ministries had 90% or less. Among the 9 ministries with 90% and more, 5 of them managed to get 95% or more. This is how they performed:

– The ministry having gender and solidarity in its atributions came first with 100%.

– Came second the ministry having education in their attributions with 98%

– Following is the Ministry having Foreign Affairs in charge with 97%

– The Ministry of Justice got the fourth place with 96%

– The ministry having Finances in its attributions scored 95%

The Prime Minister recognized the existence of obstacles for better results such as Covid-19 and the Fever of the Rift Valley that affected the livestock, but he encouraged the members of government to do their best and respond to the government’s objectives.

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