
How would you appreciate Mutima the Comedian and Big Fizzo’s song?

Mutima the Comedian is a Burundian comedy actor. For him, it was not easy to get such a name, reason why he would never give place to distractions and discouragements. He does not deny that there is a long way to go but he feels satisfied with the steps already made as he got different opportunities from his comedy actions. Not only is he a comedian but also an educator since his comedy films are intended to give lessons to his listeners. He has realized a lot of things within the country and he is now looking forward to widening the scope of his work to neighbouring countries. In this context, he recently undertook his first trip outside the country, in destination of Uganda where he was warmly welcomed by the Burundian community residing in Uganda.

He is now involved in the musical art as we see him working together with other music stars such as Kingorongoro in his song NJENJE and with the TSS team in their song WOZA. On his tweeter account, Big Fizzo, another famous music star, “asked” Mutima to continue with his comedy and leave alone the singing. Observers believe that it was a way of helping him to advertise his song rather than jealousy. In fact, he is supporting him. On his side, Mutima the Comedian replied to Fizzo in a humoristic way, affirming that he is ready to compete with other singers. At the same time, he thanked him for his contribution in the advertisement of the WOZA song.

On his facebook account, Mutima the Comedian asked his supporters their opinion on him producing a song with Fizzo. We are yet to know whether the two stars are ready to collaborate or whether it is simply Mutima’s wish in view of Fizzo’s support to his song. We shall see.


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