
Security : Police intensify hunt for criminals

After a dead body was discovered in the valley between the parish of St. John the Baptist of Gihosha and the headquarters of Radio Maria Burundi, the police have undertaken investigations to identify the perpetrators. The missing probox driver, named Harimeshi Pontien, from Gatara commune in Kayanza province, was allegedly the victim of a plot by a group of criminals who wanted to seize the car he was driving and sell it.

According to the national police spokesman, investigations revealed that a police officer, ARAKAZA Didier, was an accomplice. The vehicle of the disappeared was found in the hands of a certain Akbar who, in turn, indicated that he had bought the vehicle from a certain Adjudant Chief of Police. It was ARAKAZA Didier.

After thorough investigations, Didier’s collaborators in this crime were identified as NSHIMIRIMANA Justin alias Happy, NDIKUMANA Desire alias Maisha niya Mungu and BIKORIMANA Rashid. The police spokesman said that the investigations have been closed and the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

He took the opportunity to remind the population to point out any suspicious act for a quick intervention of security agents.

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