
Their number may double by 2030 if no measures taken

The number of diabetics thoughout the world may reach 500 million by 2030 with currently more than 200 million dibetics worldwide, as revealed by neuroscientist Pr Patrice Barasukana. He explained this diabetic tendency in a press conference with online media organised by the Burundi Non Communicable Diseases Alliance (BNCDA) on August 17, 2022. How does one gets diabetic ?

Dr Francois Ndikumwenayo, president of the BNCDA at the national level, indicated that smoking, lack of physical exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, too much sugar, malnutrition and obesity are some of the causes of this disease, but it can also be hereditary. He called upon all those who notice some of the symptoms to visit doctors for prevention or treatment for those already affected. At the same time, he insisted that we can protect ourselves by paying attention to the causes and avoid them while maintaining a balanced nutrition. 

According the Pr Patrice Barasukana, also president of the BNCDA at the regional level of East Africa, both the youth and elderly can catch the disease. When someone suffers from it, muscles are obstructed, followed by urinary complications, liver’s dysfunction and loss of sexual power for men, he added.

In Burundi, Cibitoke province counted 1500 diabetics with 144 children as of 2021 as asserted by the representative of the diabetics’ association in that province, Deo Nakindavyi.

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