
TRC achievements-January-June 2022

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) revealed on Friday 24 June 2022, the main activities of the first semester of this year, i.e. from January to June 2022.

According to the president of the commission, Ambassador Pierre Claver Ndayicariye, to deepen its investigations on the massive human rights violations committed in 1972 and 1973 on the one hand and, to understand and dissect the arrests, assassinations, massacres and trials of the years 1960 to 1971 committed against the Hutus of Burundi in 1972 and 1973. He informed that the TRC is currently investigating the following violence and periods :

1. The assassination of the trade unionists of Kamenge in 1962 who were mostly Bahutu. The Jeunesse National Rwagasore is being singled out;

2. The assassination of Bishop Gabriel Gihimbare in 1964, auxiliary bishop appointed by Pope Paul VI. The TRC investigations into the disappearance of this Catholic prelate are advanced;

3. The assassination of Prime Minister Pierre Ngendandumwe on 15 January 1965. Appointed Prime Minister twice in 1963 and 1965, he was assassinated on 13 January 1965 at around 8 pm, one week after his appointment, in front of the Prince Louis Rwagasore clinic. The assassin, of Rwandan nationality, was arrested on 17 January 1965 with some alleged Burundian perpetrators. The investigations on this case are at a fairly satisfactory stage, according to the president of the TRC;

4. The arrests, trials and executions of the alleged perpetrators of the 1965 coup attempt;

5. 1965 Busangana massacres in Muramvya province and reprisals against the Bukeye population following the Tutsi killings;

6. The arrests, trials and executions of the alleged perpetrators of the 1969 coup attempt;

7. The arrests and trials of the alleged perpetrators of the 1971 coup attempt.

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