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The Chamber of Commerce for Burundians in USA is now operational

In order to achieve their goals, the Development, Initiatives and cooperations of Burundians in USA (DICOBU) which iclude all members of the Brundian diaspora in USA, has initiated a new way of working together among its members. It is through the creation of the chamber of commerce of Burundians in USA in order to facilitate burundian traders, business men and all entrepreneurs residing or working in United States to do their business.

This is one of the many projects that the DICOBU has set and it is a good opportunity for burundians residing in United States to fully participate in the development of both the Dicobu and their native land, Burundi. All Burundian tradesmen and entrepreneurs residing or working in United Staes are invited to register in order to participate in the first meeting on the chamber, scheduled on July 1st,2022 at 8 pm, New York time. The link for the zoom meeting will be sent via the mobile phone and email address that will have been provided dring registration. For now, the registration is free, reason why all Burundians realising projects in United States are encouraged to register and take part in this interesting event of dialogue, learning and networking for the betterment of their businesses.

Needless to say, advantages of being part of this chamber are many. We may mention the knowledge and sorting out of challenges usually faced by businessmen, the help and assistance for beginners in the area of business and trade, to collaborate with chambers of commerce in different states, to participate in charity works organised by the Dicobu, etc. This is an opportunity you should not miss.

For more information about the chamber and the registration process, contact Dicobu at or visit their website:

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