
First Lady Angeline NDAYISHIMIYE launches obstetric fistula treatment and bednet distribution campaign

This Friday 09/9/2022, the First Lady launched two important campaigns in Gitega. The first campaign was for the treatment of obstetric fistulas which will last 2 months at the URUMURI Centre of the Gitega regional hospital.

The theme of this campaign is: “Obstetric fistula is preventable, treatable and curable”.

“The URUMURI centre built under the funding of the UMUGIRANEZA Good Action Foundation has come as a great solution in the treatment of obstetric fistula,” said the UNFPA Representative in Burundi. This disease, which is at the root of marginalization, handicaps the development of families in many households. He reiterated the commitment of UNFPA to the eradication of this disease.

In their testimonies, the young girls and mothers who were cured after treatment thanked Her Excellency the First Lady of Burundi and the development partners for their support to obstetric fistula patients.

In her speech, the First Lady H.E. Angeline NDAYISHIMIYE expressed her satisfaction that this disease is already known and that even men are beginning to understand that they have to accompany their wives to the hospital. She then called on the families and all the development partners to redouble their efforts in order to completely eradicate this disease.

After this activity, the First Lady went to Murayi in Giheta Commune of the same Province of Gitega to officially launch the activities of the mass distribution campaign of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets. This is in the perspective of eradicating malaria in our country.

The delegate of the WHO Representative in Burundi Dr Theodore Yao said that the United Nations will continue to support the Government of Burundi in the fight against malaria which is a major threat not only in Burundi but in most of South Africa.

In her speech, the First Lady said that Burundi has already initiated a number of programs to eradicate malaria. She urged the population to use these nets to protect themselves against malaria.

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